CC#5: Blood! Call for Submissions

December 12, 2010 1 comment

Still a few days left to submit your bloodiest posts for this month’s Carnal Carnival, to be held at Hectocotyli’s place.

You can submit by emailing a link to
carnivalcarnal [at] gmail [dot] com
hectocotyli [at] gmail [dot] com

Categories: Uncategorized

CC#4: Orgasm! Call for Submissions

November 8, 2010 2 comments

The next Carnal Carnival will go up on Friday 11/19, hosted by Scicurious of Neurotic Physiology. The theme is orgasm.

As she writes:

So find a funny orgasm paper! Orgasms in other species! The physiology of orgasm! The promotion of orgasm through various pharmaceutical methods! The psychology of orgasm!


Send your entries to:
carnivalcarnal AT gmail DOT com
or to Sci directly at:
scicurious AT gmail DOT com

Categories: Uncategorized

CC#3 “Taphonomy” is up!

October 26, 2010 1 comment

The latest edition of the Carnal Carnival went up last Friday, as usual, hosted by Brian Switek at Laelaps. It features bacteria, dinosaurs, leopards, and more!

Check it out!

Categories: Uncategorized

CC#3: Decay and Fossilization

October 5, 2010 2 comments

The next Carnal Carnival will go up on Friday 10/22, hosted by Brian Switek of the Laelaps blog. The theme is “taphonomy,” which means decay and fossilization.

Send your entries to:
carnivalcarnal AT gmail DOT com
or to Brian directly at:
evogeek AT gmail DOT com

Categories: Uncategorized

CC #2: Vomit!

September 12, 2010 1 comment

The next Carnal Carnival will go up on Friday 9/17, hosted by Carin Bondar, and the theme is vomit.

Which means you still have a few days to send your barfiest posts to:
carnivalcarnal AT gmail DOT com
or to
carin AT carinbondar DOT com

Categories: Uncategorized

Carnal Carnival #1 – Essentials of Elimination

August 20, 2010 1 comment

The first edition of the Carnal Carnival is now up, hosted by Bora at A Blog Around The Clock!

As Bora writes,

This month’s topic of the Carnal Carnival is, as you may already have heard, poop. Yes, excretion, defecation, elimination and the resulting products. All things colonic.

The response by the blogosphere was amazing so the carnival is quite big. So fix yourself some coffee (and you may learn how and if that will affect your stool once you read some of these posts), relax (that is also important for the process) and enjoy (yes, it is supposed to be pleasure)!

Go check out all the crappy posts this month!

Next month’s Carnal Carnival will be hosted by Carin Bondar – Biologist With a Twist, and the theme will be barf. Email your submissions to carnivalcarnal AT gmail DOT com by SEPTEMBER 15

Follow the carnival on Twitter for updates.

And you can always find the schedule of hosts and topics here.

Categories: Uncategorized

Welcome to The Carnal Carnival!

August 9, 2010 21 comments

The Carnal Carnival will publish the third Friday of each month. The host will pick the general topic for that particular month (though any post from any carnal topic, broadly construed, will be welcome each month!)

There is also no rule that the post you submit for a given topic must have been written in the previous month. When else would you be able to submit that barf post from 2007, for example? But don’t submit the same post to multiple editions.

You can follow the carnival on twitter, get it by email, or subscribe to the RSS feed all in the sidebar.

Submit your posts by emailing links to: carnivalcarnal AT gmail DOT com

The schedule so far:

August 2010: Bora Zivkovic / A Blog Around The Clock (theme: poop)

September 2010: Carin Bondar / Biologist With a Twist (theme: barf)

October 2010: Brian Switek (theme: taphonomy: decay and fossilization)

November 2010: Scicurious / Neurotic Physiology (theme: orgasm)

December 2010: EcoPhysioMichelle / C6-H12-O6 (theme: blood)

January 2011: Hannah Waters / Culturing Science (theme: Body Odor)

February 2011: John McKay / Mammoth Tales (theme: roadkill and animal remains)

March 2011: Jason Goldman / The Thoughtful Animal (theme: weird animal sex)

April 2011: Pascale Lane / WhizBANG! (theme: urine)

May 2011: Miriam Goldstein / Deep Sea News (theme: parasites)

June 2011: Bec Crew / Save Your Breath For Running Ponies (theme: animal poisons/chemical weaponry)

July 2011: Andi Kuszewski / Rogue Neuron (theme: masturbation)

August 2011: Jeremy Yoder / Denim and Tweed (theme: genitals)

September 2011: Jason Robertson / Cephalopodcast (theme: mucus)

October 2011: Science is Sexy (theme: human sex and attraction)

Below in the comments, let us know if you’d like to host a month, if you need the schedule changed, and what your topic shall be.

Categories: Uncategorized